Established in 1797, the Norwich Inn in Norwich, Vermont is a historic Vermont property rich with tradition and many stories within its walls. The Inn was the first to welcome a US president to dinner! James Monroe visited the Inn's Tavern in 1817 and (rumor has it) the tavern operated in secret during Vermont's prohibition in the 1920s. Since then, the Inn has added modern comforts and efficiencies - they are a Green Hotel and committed to local as a long-time member of the Vermont Fresh Network - while keeping their historic charm.
The Norwich Inn is a perfect hub for visitors traveling to Vermont for Maple Open House Weekend, March 25th and 26th. An easy drive from Boston or New York and right across the river from Hanover, New Hampshire. Starting in Norwich, visit sugarhouses, King Arthur Flour, Dan and Whit's classic Vermont Country Store (right next door to the Inn), and many delicious eateries all along scenic Vermont routes. Follow the Central Vermont Maple Trail to plan your trip!
Maple will rule the menu at Jasper Murdock's Tavern at the Norwich Inn over Maple Open House Weekend. Chef Stephen Dow will be brining chicken wings, roasting beets, and sweetening the desserts in local maple for the occasion. Maple is Vermont's local, natural sweetener, and Chef Dow sneaks it into his recipes constantly to add sweetness that also packs flavor. Like true Vermonters, the folks at the Norwich Inn know their sugarmaker. Dale, the maintenance manager at the Inn is also their source for syrup and he'll boil sap on demand for the Inn - he also provides the honey!
Visitors to the Norwich Inn will also be treated to housemade brews. The Inn is home to one of the oldest microbreweries in the state, and beers produced at Jasper Murdocks are only available on tap at the tavern and bottled at the Inn. While the sugar in maple can be challenging to use directly in the brewing process, Head Brewer Jeremy Hebert, has selected the perfect brew to accompany the maple-themed tavern menu.
Where we're Staying: The beautiful and historic Norwich Inn, 325 Main Street, Norwich, VT
What we're Eating: Maple Fig Bread Pudding and Maple Creme Brulee! While maple may be considered a seasonal treat to some, Chef Dow made the mistake of briefly taking his famous Maple Creme Brulee off the menu last summer. Customer outrage demanded the local favorite return to the daily menu year-round.
What we're Drinking: Two Patrick Stout. Two Patrick Stout was first brewed for St. Patrick’s Day, and is now a tradition at the Inn. It is a classic Irish dry stout, with roasted barley providing the dark color, rich body & roasty flavors. Historians believe that there must have been two St. Patricks, because events associated with him span 125 years. This beer is the recipe of a third Patrick, our former brewer Patrick Dakin.