564 Cider Mill Rd
Cornwall, VT 05753
Mar. 23 — 24, 2019
(802) 373-7000
Join Bread Loaf View Farm for their annual Maple Open House Weekend event on the farm!
Experience maple sugaring live in action if conditions permit. Enjoy free samples and the opportunity to fill your own bottle. Explore their famous Maple Heritage Museum with hands on activities and displays for all ages. Stroll the Sugarwoods Trail and learn about the importance of the maple forest and how they care for it. Take advantage of their maple themed So-Full Sisters food truck offerings including maple cream donuts...and the coffee is free. They look forward to your visit!
Saturday, March 23: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday, March 24: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday, March 24: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Directions provided by Bread Loaf View Farm:
From Middlebury go west on Rt 125 to flashing yellow light. Turn left on to Cider Mill Rd. Look for the farm sign on the left.From Middlebury go south on Rt 30, 2 miles and turn right onto Cider Mill Rd. Proceed to farm sign on your right.