72 High Chaparell Dr
Hyde Park, VT 05655
Mar. 23 — 24, 2019
George and Dorothy invite you to stop by Cook's Sugarhouse in Hyde Park for Maple Open House Weekend. Cook's is a small, traditional, family-operated sugarhouse featuring a wood fired evaporator. They have 175 taps on 3/16 tubing, including a dozen buckets. Weather permitting, they'll be boiling, offering sugar-on-snow, great conversation and tours. Their sugarhouse is just a short walk from the driveway, nestled right at the base of their sugarbush. They'll have samples of new syrup and available for sale, and maple syrup. Stop by and visit!
Saturday, March 23: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Sunday, March 24: 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Directions provided by Cook's Sugarhouse:
At the Hyde Park Round-about (Jct 15 & 100), go north on Rt. 100 and take your first left onto Battle Row Rd. In 1 mile, High Chaparell Dr is on the left. We are the second place on the right, gray raised ranch. The sugarhouse is just a short walk around the house. Signs will guide the way.