A unique eatery at Highland Center for the Arts, Hardwick Street Cafe offers delightful treats in a welcoming atmosphere any time of day. Warm up with a latte in The Gallery, savor a burger and a craft beer at a movie, share a snack with friends before a concert, and feast on the best that the Northeast Kingdom has to offer. The art of a good meal is bringing friends and neighbors together to connect...with food, with each other, and with their community. With an evolving menu that takes inspiration from Northeast Kingdom food makers, you'll find a new favorite meal every time you visit.
At this time the cafe is closed to the public and only offers pre-ordered picnic meals in conjunction with performances at Highland Center for the Arts.
2875 Hardwick St
Greensboro, VT 05841
Wed - Sat; 9:00am to 8:00pm
Sun; 10:00am - 8:00pm