Pete's Greens grows certified organic specialty produce and delivers to stores and restaurants throughout Vermont.
They offer weekly food delivery program providing organic, seasonal, farm-fresh vegetables, plus locally grown and produced staples, value added products, and meats to members across Vermont.
A year-round Pete's Greens market is located in Waterbury. The market is organic produce-centric but also well stocked with a very diverse selection of prepared foods, local berries & fruit, local breads, Vermont cheeses and dairy, eggs, grains, honey, local pastured meats, beer, chocolate, and more. At the peak of the summer season, it offers over 100 varieties of the extraordinary vegetables that Pete’s Greens is known for. The market is a kaleidoscope of color including vivid purple carrots, flame orange heirloom tomatoes, candy striped beets, and red and white French breakfast radishes. Tender young greens are a highlight.
May - October Pete's Greens operates a farmstand in Craftsbury and vends at the Capital City Farmers Market!
266 S. Craftsbury Rd.
Craftsbury, VT 05826
Open May - Oct, 9:00am - 7:00pm. Please call before planning a visit.